Soul-cial Circles offers group and individual sessions to soothe and satiate the soul.

  • Sound Baths

  • Vibrational Therapy

  • Self-care Coaching

  • Reiki


We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect ourselves.






Soul-cial Sound Soother

Daytime Soothers on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month

Evening Soothers on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month

Our group sound soother sessions provide a peaceful and calming environment, using the soothing sounds of crystal singing bowls to help you achieve deep relaxation and meditation in the company of others.

  • The vibration of the bowls helps to reduce stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Whether you're new to sound baths or a seasoned practitioner, our experienced sound bath facilitators will guide you on a journey to achieve inner peace and tranquility.

    Choose from a 60-minute Daytime Soother or a 75-minute Evening Soother

  • 60-minute sessions are held on a bi-monthly basis at Forte Living in NW Rochester, MN.

    75-minute sessions are held on a bi-monthly basis at Hermitage Farm in the NW Rochester, MN.

Soul-cial Circle


Soul-cial Circles are based on common interests and life stages. Our circles provide a supportive community for individuals to share their experiences, and knowledge and support each other on their journeys.

  • Whether you're a culinary enthusiast, new in town, interested in mindfulness, or simply looking for a group of like-minded individuals, our social circles offer the opportunity to connect and grow with others who share your passions.

  • These 90-minute sessions are held on a monthly basis at various locations in the Rochester, MN area.

“Take time for yourself until you are you again.”






Solo Soother

Relax and rejuvenate with singing bowls and other sound healing instruments and tools. Allow stress and the worries of the day to just float away as you settle your body and soul with sound.

  • Our solo soother sessions provide a peaceful and calming environment, using the soothing sounds of crystal singing bowls and Tibetan bowls to help you achieve deep relaxation and meditation. The vibration of the bowls helps to reduce stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Tuning forks and other sound instruments may be included. The facilitator will lead you on a journey of relaxation and release.

  • Sessions are held on the second and fourth Thursdays at Hermitage Farm Rochester, MN.


Good Vibrations

Activate your inner sense of peace and tranquility with an individual vibrational energy session, using singing bowls and tuning forks, where applicable, to promote deep healing and relaxation.

Vibrational therapy is a safe and effective way to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and promote the body’s natural healing response.

  • 75-minutes of vibrational energy work providing a peaceful and calming environment, using the resonance of Tibetan bowls placed on and around the body to help you achieve deep relaxation and meditation. The vibration of the bowls helps to reduce stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Tuning forks and other sound instruments may be included. The facilitator will lead you on a journey to achieve deep relaxation and tranquility and guide you to release that which no longer serves you.

  • Sessions are held the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at Hermitage Farms in Rochester, MN.


Self-Care Coaching

Explore holistic ways to improve areas of your life through wellness practices and self-care. Discover what gets in the way of caring for yourself and learn to take the time to take care of you.

  • Coaching can be a one-time chat or an ongoing connection.

    Designed to guide you towards a balanced and fulfilling life. These connections aim to provide practical tools, techniques, and guidance to help you prioritize your well-being, manage stress, and cultivate a sustainable self-care practice.

  • Available for remote sessions, or in office in Rochester, MN, at Hermitage Farms. Please email or call for details or with questions.


“I felt the stress that was stored in my body release and melt away.

When the therapy session ended, I awoke in a fully relaxed and restored state. I highly recommend trying a sound bath to help you release any anxiety or stress, you won't regret this experience.”

– Jen